Monday, September 15, 2008

Posdoctoral Opportunity at Bentley

The Jeanne and Dan Valente Center for the Arts and Sciences at Bentley College, a four-year private university in greater Boston is pleased toannounce that it is accepting applications for its 2009-2010postdoctoral fellowship. The Center seeks postdoctoral students fromany discipline in the arts and sciences who are working within the broadtheme identified below. The 2009-10 theme, "Behaving Ourselves:Motivation and Agency Across the Disciplines," is described at theValente Center's website,, as is theapplication process. The Valente Center encourages interdisciplinaryprojects and work that connects the arts and sciences to businessdisciplines. Candidates must have PhD in hand by June 30, 2009, maynot have received their doctoral degree earlier than September 2006, andmust be in residence at Bentley College during the fellowship period.The postdoctoral fellow will receive a total stipend of $40,000 for thenine-month residency as well as office space and borrowing privileges atBentley and research libraries in the Boston area, as needed. A c.v.,project title and one-page abstract, 10-page project description,article-length writing sample, brief description of teaching interests,and two letters of recommendation should be submitted no later than December 1st, 2008.

Friday, September 12, 2008

MPSA: Panel on Campaigns

Joy Langston and I (Allyson Benton) would like to put a panel together forthe Midwest on political campaigns in Latin America. We currently have aproject on campaign visit strategies in Mexico and would love papers onMexico or other nations. Papers could be on campaign visits, spending,spots, etc…. at any level of government. Is there anyone working on thistopic that might be interested in participating? If you are, please emailAllyson Benton ( Thanks,Allyson Benton Dra. Allyson Lucinda BentonProfesor-InvestigadorDivisión de Estudios PolíticosCentro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, A.C.Carretera México-Toluca 3655Colonia Lomas de Santa FéMéxico, D.F. C.P. 01210Tel.: (52) 55-5727-9800, ext. 2408Fax.: (52) 55-5727-9871E-Mail: