Thursday, September 13, 2007

New Resources for Researchers

At the recent LASA Montréal conference, we were introduced to a number of useful resources compiled by members of LASA’s Scholarly Research & Resources Section.

LAPTOC (Latin American Periodicals Table-of-Contents)
Free online tables of contents of lesser-known journals from Latin America.

LAOAP (Latin American Open Archives Portal)
A portal for social sciences grey literature produced in Latin America that includes free, full-text working documents, pre-prints, research papers, and statistical documents published since 1964.

LAGDA (Latin American Government Documents Archive)
Access to wide ranging materials & presidential documents from 18 Latin American & Caribbean countries, collected since 2005. The Archive contains full-text copies of web sites from approximately 300 government ministries & presidencies.

LAMP (Latin American Microform Project)
Collections of rare, unique, scarce and/or bulky research materials.

LARRP (Latin Amercanist Research Resources Project)
A cooperative initiative between US, Latin America, and Caribbean libraries that seeks to improve access to research resources.


Anonymous said...

FYI, the last two links aren't working.

Miguel Centellas said...

Sorry, they worked when I first posted them about a year ago.