Tuesday, February 19, 2008

FORD-LASA Special Projects

(From Joy Langston, LAPIS Secretary):

LASA is pleased to announce the fourth cycle of the Ford-LASA Special Projects competition, made possible by a contribution by the Ford Foundation to the LASA Endowment Fund. Funds provided will support such activities as trans-regional research initiatives, conferences, working groups, the development of curriculum and teaching resources, and similar projects organized and carried out by LASA Sections or by ad hoc groups of LASA members. Proposers are encouraged to think creatively about how this funding might be used to advance the principles of hemispheric collaboration among Latin American Studies scholars and teachers. Proposals that do not assign priority to this objective will not be considered for funding.

Proposals should identify the participants in the proposed activity, the objectives of the project, and the process by which those objectives are to be achieved. The total amount requested in each proposal may not exceed $12,500. Grants may be combined with other sources of funding, and may be used to initiate projects that continue with funding from other sources. No project or group will be funded more than once.

Proposals of no more than five (5) single-spaced pages in length must be received by the LASA Secretariat by March 15, 2008. Proposals will be reviewed by a panel of four LASA members appointed by the President for each program cycle, chaired by the Vice President of LASA. Applicants will be informed of the results within two months after the submission deadline.

Preference will be given to projects that involve trans-regional collaboration in the Western Hemisphere, and which are intended to result in publication of project results. It may be possible for LASA to disseminate project results, including conference papers, through its website, which would not preclude eventual publication in other media. Project directors are encouraged to consider submitting a panel proposal based on their work for presentation at the June 2009 LASA Congress. Within 18 months of the announcement of the award recipients, the project directors will be required to submit a report on the activities undertaken with Special Project funding, suitable for publication in the LASA Forum.

If you have any questions about this competition, please write to Milagros Pereyra-Rojas (lasa@pitt.edu).

1 comment:

Aníbal Pérez-Liñán said...

Dear Colleagues,

After two decades of decentralization, local politics is perhaps more
important than ever in Latin America. Yet scholarly work on local politics
in Latin America remains pretty narrowly focused ­ producing several great
studies of the politics of decentralization itself, rich case studies about
local politics ³on-the-ground² and insightful work on urban governments,
their operation, and their relationships with social movements and civic
organizations. However good that body of research is, though (and however
partial my characterization of it is...apologies on that count), it is
doubtless incomplete. Local politics is under-studied, and likely
under-theorized, in Latin America.

The Ford-LASA Special Projects competition represents an opportunity to
expand the frontiers of our study of local politics in the region. I hope
to work with interested colleagues on a proposal to support a workshop on
innovative approaches to the study of local politics, leading to possible
empirical or methodological publications, future collaborative scholarship,
and the development of new curricular resources. My own current work
examines local party organization, so I'm also potentially interested in a
narrower proposal.

The deadline for proposals is March 15, so our time is limited. If you are
interested, please email me at steve_wuhs@redlands.edu so that we can start
discussions. The program requires trans-regional collaboration, so a
successful application will represent countries from throughout the
continent. This topic also lends itself to interdisciplinary collaboration
among political scientists, economists, geographers, sociologists,
anthropologists, and others. If you know of a colleague who might be
interested, please feel free to pass this along.


Steven T. Wuhs, Ph.D.
Department of Government
University of Redlands
1200 E. Colton Avenue
Redlands CA 92373-0999